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The Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service



Greg Koger & Peter Hanson: How to Fix Congress

SONY DSCPolitical Science professors Greg Kroger and Peter Hanson visited WSU on Thursday, April 9th to answer the frequently asked question- how do we fix congress? They sat down in front of an audience of students, and explained to them the major issues plaguing congress, and proposed ways to fix them.

Kroger suggested the main issues with congress stem from its struggles to accomplish their base requirements. He compared it to a professor never grading any papers, and expecting to keep their job. He suggested that legislators need more competition for their seats, and believes in reshaping legislators’ incentives to push for good public policy. By adding transparency, that allows the public to hold the legislators more accountable for their policy decisions.

While Peter Hanson had the idea to require LESS transparency within congress. This would allow members of congress to act more freely, being less scrutinized for their actions and allow for more compromise, which would facilitate a faster, and less partisan system. The students and the experts engaged in several in-depths conversations which really brought new ideas and questions to mind.

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